Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Bike Maintenance:

Winter is here and the riding is slim. Well, maybe not slim, but it isn’t like it is in the summer. Anyway, now may be a good time to perform some common sense maintenance. Probably the best way to do this is to detail your bike. So you take a Saturday (or maybe a Saturday and Sunday) and scrub, polish, wax every inch or your motorcycle. By doing this you can identify things like loose items (those slip-ons that are getting ready to slip-off), and maybe leaking or seeping that you may not find otherwise. This would also be a good time to do a T-CLOCS inspection. If you have never heard of T-CLOCS it is the acronym used by the Motorcycle Safety Foundation to guide you through a quick (pre-ride) inspection of your bike. There is a ton of information on this on the web. Just Google T-CLOCS to get more information. Basically it stands for:

T - Inspect your Tires and wheels. Check the tread depth, wear and tear, look for anything that may be a warning of an impending blow-out. Also, check your wheels, look for loose spokes cracks or any other damage.

C - Controls, inspect your pedals, cables, hoses, and any other controls you may find on your bike.

L - Lights, ok here is where I call the wife. Check your brake lights, turn signals and head light both high and low beam.

O - Oil and other fluids, check your levels and look for any leaks or seeping that might indicate a bad seal or gasket.

C - Chassis, Check for any weakness (cracks) in the frame. Check the suspension for firmness and fluid level in the forks. Check your belt, look for any debris trapped in the belt and check for wear and tear.

S - Stand, check for cracks or bends and check the spring tension.

So where does the common sense come in? If you find a problem fix it, if you don't feel comfortable doing it yourself take it to the dealer - common sense.

Now you not only have a clean machine, but you have a reliable motorcycle that you can enjoy with piece of mind. Oh, and don’t forget, all of that polish and wax will not only make your bike look like a million bucks but it will help protect the finish of your pride and joy from the elements.