Sunday, October 23, 2011

End of season?

Well, unless you live in Florida, Texas, Georgia, or some other warmer climate, the event season is just about over. But that doesn't mean the riding season is over.

As I am writing this it is a sunny 62 degrees outside and I can hear the bikes running up and down the road having a blast. I would be out myself, but the Road King is in the shop (took it up yesterday) finishing the performance upgrades I started at the beginning of summer. I should have it back in a day or two and should be riding to work again in no time.

I am planning a ride that I am calling a dealer ride. I plan to ride to all of the Harley dealerships not just locally but also in Petersburg, Emporia, Outer Banks and maybe a couple more. I'm also looking at planning a Ghost ride. This might be several rides, but there are a lot of supposedly haunted houses in Virginia (I'm not sure I believe in that sort of thing), but it might make a nice ride to check them out.

Those two rides along with all of the toy runs and poker runs in the area should keep me busy for several more months.

I'll keep you posted. Keep the rubber side down and stay warm and dry.

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