Sunday, June 24, 2012

Virginia State HOG Rally 2012

Left home at 10:00 on Thursday Morning. It was a beautiful, bright, clear, not a cloud in the sky, AND HOT!!!! Took Indian River road to 64 towards Suffolk. Picked up 10 to Surry and caught the Jamestown ferry. We followed the Colonial Parkway to route 60 and the hotel, but not before stopping at the Jamestown visitor center for a drink and a rest break.

Got checked into the hotel and then headed two blocks to the host hotel and got checked in and received our welcome packet. Visited the vendors and checked out all of the goodies that we can't afford. After riding around and checking out the area we ate a late lunch/early dinner at Cracker Barrel. We hit the pool at the hotel and went through our packet to decide what we wanted to do while at the event.

Ok, first thing on the agenda is the opening ceremonies at New Town. We headed in the general direction of New Town, fortunately we found a group who were headed there and we followed them. I never would have found the place on my own. After the ceremonies there was a poker walk where you visited the participating vendors and collected tickets. Winning numbers will be posted at the host hotel Saturday or Sunday (check, didn't win anything).

Grabbed breakfast at the hotel and when we were ready we gassed up for the day and Debbie grabbed a cup of Joe from 7-11. Since things were not really open yet we relaxed at the hotel and planned what we wanted to do for the day. First up, Police motorcycle demo. The Norfolk and Portsmouth motorcycle police departments put on a pretty good demonstration of riding skill. After the demo we checked out the vendors again and spent some money.

Next up...lunch. We went back to the Colonial Parkway and headed to Yorktown. A few miles south on route 17 and we were at Hampton Roads HD. They were having a free cookout for rally participants. Hamburgers, hot dogs, and baked beans. Good biker lunch and since it was free it was even better.

We headed back to our hotel by the same route, made a quick stop at Arby's for a root beer float. We took a short break at our hotel and then headed back to the host hotel for two hours of biker bingo. When you call it biker bingo it implies that you will be doing some wild and crazy biker stuff. Well, biker bingo is bingo played by bikers. That's it, just regular bingo. It has become a tradition for Debbie and I, we play it every year.

While we were playing bingo, the sky opened up and a major thunderstorm rolled through. Well not so much rolled through as strolled through. It was a huge storm and it hung around for the rest of the afternoon and all night. We wanted to get some dinner at a place called Sal's and then head to the lighted bike show. Well, because of the rain our plans changed. We found out that Sal's delivers so we ordered our food and ate in the room. We never made it to the lighted bike show.

The next morning was cool and cloudy but things were drying up. There were two events scheduled for the day. One was the parade of flags and the other was the closing ceremonies. We decided we didn't want to do the parade and we never do the closing ceremonies so it was time to pack-up and head home. We left the hotel and headed down the Colonial Parkway back to Jamestown and the ferry. Back down route 10 to Smithfield where we picked up route 32 to 17 and headed south on 17 to Portsmouth. We stopped at Bayside HD and looked around a little bit and they were celebrating an anniversary and of course they had food. Hotdogs for lunch and then we headed home.

As usual the state HOG rally is always a good time. Looking forward to next year in Roanoke, hope to see you there.

Saturday, May 19, 2012


For those of you who may still be checking this site, I'm sorry for not posting sooner. Anyway, I have been riding to work as much as possible, but there is not much to report just riding around the block.

However, There have been three rides that have had some purpose.

April 12 - 15 there was Barry's Bike Rally in Grandy NC. The weather was pretty bad on the day I decided to check this out so of course I was on my own (no wife). I left and headed out North Landing road to Centerville and headed south on Centerville to 168. A left turn and it was a straight shot south on 168 through Moyock to Grandy. Of course 168 becomes 158 but its the same road so who care. I have attended this rally before and this years event was basically the same as every other year. It is a small event with a few vendors. However, If you are into partying then you need to attend this rally. The days are pretty lazy, but in the evening things come to life. During the day people come and go but at night the bar is full and everyone seems to be having a good time. Barry's is a bar/restaurant with a small hotel attached, call early if you want to try and get a room. So, in summary, The food is good and the beer is cold, what more could you want.

April 21 - 29 was the Outer Banks Bike Week in Harbinger NC. I have been to this event every year since it's beginning and it is a really great event. However, due to family commitments we could not attend the first weekend so we were forced to go the last weekend of the event. The weather was terrible. The wife was a real trouper and we bundled up and left and headed South on 168. She didn't complain, but I could tell she was cold and miserable, just one of those hunches a husband gets after 35 years of marriage. Anyway, by the time we got to where 168 merges with 158 I relented and we turned up 158 to Elizabeth City and we ate lunch at the Circle II and then headed home. When we finally got home we were both so cold we jumped in the hot tub just to get warm.

That brings us to today, May 19th, the Elizabeth City potato festival.

We have been to this event before and while it sound like a pretty corny event it is really a very well organized happening with plenty of good food and lot's to do for kids of all ages. I would recommend this event to everyone whether on a motorcycle or not. We headed south towards Moyock and turned on to Balyhack road which come out on 17. We took route 17 south to Elizabeth City and took the Halstead exit. After a very enjoyable three hours of walking around and seeing all of the sites, we headed out 158 east to 34 to 168 and headed home. This is an excellent event for the whole family.

Well, now we are all caught up. The next big happening is the Virginia state HOG rally being held in Williamsburg in June. Hope to see you there.

Keep the rubber side down and ride safe.

Sunday, March 11, 2012

Here we go again

Well, it is now March and the weather is pretty nice. I just got back from a ride to Bayside HD. I took back roads up and back. All local riding but I managed to log 75 miles. It was a little brisk on the bike, but all-in-all a pretty nice day.

It has been a pretty mild winter and like most bikers I got in some nice local rides whenever I could. With the weather being so nice it won't be long now until things get going full blast. Check out the events page for a listing of upcoming events in Virginia and North Carolina along with some of the major events across the country. I'll try to keep the events updated. There doesn't seem to be any information on the Virginia Beach Bike Classic for this year. It's usually in April, but I can't find anything. If you hear anything e-mail me at and let me know.

Keep the rubber side down.