Saturday, May 19, 2012


For those of you who may still be checking this site, I'm sorry for not posting sooner. Anyway, I have been riding to work as much as possible, but there is not much to report just riding around the block.

However, There have been three rides that have had some purpose.

April 12 - 15 there was Barry's Bike Rally in Grandy NC. The weather was pretty bad on the day I decided to check this out so of course I was on my own (no wife). I left and headed out North Landing road to Centerville and headed south on Centerville to 168. A left turn and it was a straight shot south on 168 through Moyock to Grandy. Of course 168 becomes 158 but its the same road so who care. I have attended this rally before and this years event was basically the same as every other year. It is a small event with a few vendors. However, If you are into partying then you need to attend this rally. The days are pretty lazy, but in the evening things come to life. During the day people come and go but at night the bar is full and everyone seems to be having a good time. Barry's is a bar/restaurant with a small hotel attached, call early if you want to try and get a room. So, in summary, The food is good and the beer is cold, what more could you want.

April 21 - 29 was the Outer Banks Bike Week in Harbinger NC. I have been to this event every year since it's beginning and it is a really great event. However, due to family commitments we could not attend the first weekend so we were forced to go the last weekend of the event. The weather was terrible. The wife was a real trouper and we bundled up and left and headed South on 168. She didn't complain, but I could tell she was cold and miserable, just one of those hunches a husband gets after 35 years of marriage. Anyway, by the time we got to where 168 merges with 158 I relented and we turned up 158 to Elizabeth City and we ate lunch at the Circle II and then headed home. When we finally got home we were both so cold we jumped in the hot tub just to get warm.

That brings us to today, May 19th, the Elizabeth City potato festival.

We have been to this event before and while it sound like a pretty corny event it is really a very well organized happening with plenty of good food and lot's to do for kids of all ages. I would recommend this event to everyone whether on a motorcycle or not. We headed south towards Moyock and turned on to Balyhack road which come out on 17. We took route 17 south to Elizabeth City and took the Halstead exit. After a very enjoyable three hours of walking around and seeing all of the sites, we headed out 158 east to 34 to 168 and headed home. This is an excellent event for the whole family.

Well, now we are all caught up. The next big happening is the Virginia state HOG rally being held in Williamsburg in June. Hope to see you there.

Keep the rubber side down and ride safe.

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